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Saturday, January 24, 2009

Do Nothing At Your Own Risk

Personal message to Southern New Mexico property owners concerned over being upside down in a property home mortgage. Email aarcher (at) or call (5xx)-388-2875 Home Office Message line to set up a time when we can discuss some of the services and options which may be available to you.

There are many good people in our area who may now feel like they have gotten a body part caught in the wringer while doing the wash (figuratively that is).

Understand that you do have options. Some options are better than others. Some good and some not so. Do you know what your options are?


Once a distressed property owner accepts the fact that there is trouble on the doorstep or on the horizon, it's possible to shake off the lethargy and inaction (often accompanied with depression) and get moving towards the best of the options available.

Short Sales are possible for some. Listing and Selling at current market value even if you owe (considerably) more than the house is worth. Requires bank cooperation. I can help in the process.

Real Estate Angels might help. If you have some equity, but have allowed past due payments to pile up so that you are now considerably delinquent and unable to catch up, let an angel step in and "clean the slate" for you. My list of angels is limited to a few, but they are quick and efficient to close when they find the right circumstances.

Live Auction works for some who have special needs and circumstances. Note - You can't be short on equity with live auctions, but there is no better way to guarantee a sale within a specific time frame. Let the buyer pay most of your selling costs too. For Sellers, who just want to get on with it and get her sold, this a great venue for it......

Love the auctioneer chant: "one hundred thousand now one fifty. do i hear one fifty? One hundred fifty thousand ... now two. will you give me two?

In every case there are sponsored counseling services (many free) which can point you in the right direction. This is a first step for everyone who is worried about what might be ahead. Part of my job and responsibility as Realtor is to provide you with resource information...

Foreclosure will inevitably be the end result for too many fine folks who purchased with good intention who just got caught up in the financial crisis and meltdown. Foreclosure will be the result for all who do nothing.

Anything you do is better than giving up and letting the foreclosure process move forward...


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