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Thursday, April 30, 2009

Beyond Blogging - "To be Named" News for Silver City

Good Morning Silver City!

Beautiful weather. Gardens are greening. People out and about. Lots of out of state license plates.

Hey why not? The weather is perfect, Lance Armstrong is in town riding in the Tour of the Gila races this week.

It's hard to stay focused on the work, but we are getting it done over at Hacienda Realty (we are the GMAC franchise on Hwy 180 across from Pinon Plaza)... The office is starting to have a familiar buzz to it, with an obvious increase in walk in traffic.

Hope everyone has been allowing themselves some time for outdoor activities. Our weather is one of the things we boast about. Silver City is famous for it's 4 gentle seasons. Enjoy this season. Be prepared too. It doesn't take long for something new, weather wise, to occur.

I've taken suggestions to heart and will publish a small e-newletter as well as share here occasionally with the blog. First e-issue to be emailed sometime in May. I may be able to publish monthly, but that may be a lofty goal for us at this time. My priorities remain taking care of current customers and clients with the long term goal of increasing my real estate and mortgage business networks.

What should we call the Newsletter? We have several thoughts and a default name but wonder what you might like. Please post with any suggestions you have?

We aren't going to be strictly Real Estate either. I'm hoping for a mix of stories about Silver City, New Mexico, real estate, education, entertainment, humor, health, living well, history, "how to," etc...

At least one Reader submitted article will be featured in each subsequent issue on a subject of writer's choice - I'll pick contribution from one of you that will be of interest to the group. A link for potential contributors to access and post will be included in the first issue.

SUBSCRIBE to Free n Fun e-newsletter coming May 2009

At some point, I will probably need to limit the number of subscribers that I can email without arranging for additional mail services with our host. I will update here if current email service capabilities are taxed. Please sign up soon using the link above to be included in the mailing.

You may OPT OUT at any time by email just as easily too

Monday, April 13, 2009

Census Bureau Says 1 in 9 Homes Vacant

The U.S. Census Bureau says one in every nine homes in the United States is sitting vacant, and economists predict that it won't change nationwide for at least three years. The number of housing units in the United States increased by 8.65 million from 2002 to 2007, but during that period the number of U.S. households rose by only 6.7 million. Subtract a half-million homes that will be torn down or lost to fire, and that leaves 1.3 million units.

Hmmm. That's seems to mean there will be a lot of great buying opportunities. We are seeing them in Silver City (finally), and yet the market seems like it is showing signs of recovery.

The first quarter sales stats for the regional MLS are out and we saw a continuing decline in sales units. In spite of the decline, the median home prices were relatively stable. This is a combination of some Buyers still paying above fair value for their dream homes being offset by the bargain hunters scoring the real deals that are showing up.

NEWS: There is a new mortgage service setting up shop in town. An independent loan brokerage with affiliations (in progress of finalizing) with wholesale lending institutions.

Home Loan New Mexico is locally owned and was just approved for license in New Mexico as a Mortgage Company. Refinancing and purchase loans are available. A full disclosure lender, you will know what the fees are before committing to the loan. Offering high discounts to credit holders with FICO above 720. Additional discounts for loan sizes above $250K too.

Visit our newest member for free rate information and quote. Pre Qual (pre qualification) is available too. First Time Buyer questions are welcomed. Home Loan New Mexico