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Friday, May 29, 2009

Silver City Health Wealth and Happy Living - Vol 1 Issue 1

HI Everyone, As promised, I will post much of the monthly newsletter here. You can receive the news when it is first mailed out by subscribing (Link to subscribe)
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Snip from May news below:
start of Snip..............................

Dream Home New Mexico

Health & Wealth & Happy Living

In Service New Mexico Volume 1 Issue 1

Happenings: The Tour of the Gila Bicycle race 2009

(Yes Children, 2009 was the year that Lance came to town)

Well it is over. I hope you got out to see some of the show. It was especially grand this year with two of the top rider athletes in the world finishing first and second. The fans were not disappointed.

Unlike last years rather dismal turnout, this year saw Bullard street sidewalk to sidewalk with seasoned veteran fans and new fans alike. The riders flew by in masses so thick and so fast that it was hard to tell a player, even knowing the rider’s number and team colors.

Lance finished second behind “Mellow Johnny’s” teammate Levi Leipheimer. Third place was earned by Philip Zajicek who managed the win in the now infamous Gila Monster stage. Results. No one is their right mind would do what those guys do on that ride. I have a cabin near the Cliff Dwellings at the Gila Hot Springs, and the ride down from the peak scares me a bit when I drive in my trusty automobile with good brakes. Downhill 35 mph is scary fast in a car, and these guys hit over 70 mph downhill in places… Let’s not even think about the climb effort necessary. Lordy….

Recycling Bins painted

Have you seen any of the new bins? What do you think? The kids have done a great job on the finished bins, and there are still a couple more nearing completion.

Local schools were supplied with paints and materials (complements of the RAID Grant) to spiff up our on site collection units. The bins will be judged by the Recycling committee and awards for the best entries (by age category) will be made.

Check out the one at Gough Park. Nice Work… Read Story



A prize if you know what establishment in Ft Worth Texas used this as their unofficial slogan… They also had a “branch” in Houston and Big “D”… These long established “businesses” started late 50’s and were pretty much dead by early 70s… All branches have been closed for many years, but musicians still talk about the quality of player that walked through the doors there.


Coco Montoya is a name that is well known to players and blues fans worldwide. His tone is unique. When he last graced Silver’s stage, he was the supporting cast. Now in the lead role, we will get to see (and hear) more. Exciting!!!

I first saw Coco with the Butterfield Blues Band - back a young adult’s lifespan ago. I’m certain he was a fender guy then, and I believe he was already a strat cat. I was still hauling around a Les Paul Black Beauty, and hadn’t learned what I know now. (A strat cat NOW and FOREVER)

He played through a Fender amp and played mostly direct without effect. He has what we in Texas called “the sound.” The sound was what you got with a combo of highly skilled and talented fingers mixed with a tube amp (or amps & usually Fender) overdriven to the exact point where the forces of light, good, and beauty meet up with the darker edges of evil and the ugly. People Get Ready……… (5-29-2009) It was even better than expected. Several videos from the show are available on utube. I've made them available here too. See the video window in right column to view...

Friends on the web Silver City BLOG Refinance Rates 30 year NM 4.875%

Health Food for The Brain You can quote me on that!

When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.” Alexander Graham Bell

QUOTE submitted by: Johnny Dahler Submit your favorite quote. Email and suggest a favorite:

Real Estate Ramblings: 2009 US Tax Credit Ok. The US is giving away free money. I know you’ve heard about it. Here’s a way you can get a handle on how you can benefit from the plan. It’s on the tube, and reference to it is part of every Realtor’s advertising strategy. What is it and what does it mean? Who can qualify , and how does it work?

Ive taken the opportunity to post a link to the NAR presentation which goes into (simple) great detail on how the incentive program works. You may also determine easily if you qualify. Still confused? (Call or email me, and Ill make certain that you get a handle on how it works and what you need to do to take advantage of the home buyer incentive.

Can you use a quick $8000? Hmmm.

Link to View the NAR presentation Link to Information US Affordable Home

Do You Want to Know What Your Neighbor's House was Listed or Sold For?

Ever wonder what the house up the street Sold For? Have you been thinking of Selling soon? Do you want to know what your house is worth in today's market? How much equity do you have in your home? Please call Archer 575-388-1921 #17 for details. No obligations!

Recommend this newsletter to a friend who you think might enjoy reading it monthly. CLICK and then forward the email. (or you may have them reply with “subscribe” in the subject line.)

Who wants to Win some “Silver City” Silver? The first 2 people to email with the correct answer will receive a genuine US silver coin minted before 1965.

May’s 2 part Trivia question: This is a 1970 movie about a “down under” folk hero (criminal), and the title role was played by a well known English musician who had very little prior acting experience. The reviews were mixed, but this super star was generally considered the perfect choice for the part. A masterpiece IMO.

What was the name of the movie, and Who was the lead?

Silver City NM Market Statistics from MLS database:

30 Days (through 5-15-2009)

¨ New Residential Listings — 45 *Average Selling Price $119000

¨ Residential Listings Sold* 12 *Average Listing Price $127000

¨ Residential Under Contract 15 NOTE: Market Soft — 30 days down trend

¨ Withdrawn / Expired 32 Price Reductions 33

Think Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Greenr Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green

It’s the way we should all be thinking

Solar Power Rental — What a Grand Concept

Must See Video on how the program works for you and for the environment

The REnU program takes care of all the usual headaches and does it with the most attractive terms in the industry. The revolutionary technology provides superior system-wide efficiency and control, and makes your overall electric service more responsive, more reliable, and more renewable! The education section provides great information about solar power and other renewable energy, as well as the latest information on global warming and what clean-energy steps we can take now.

We should become part of the solution and not the problem! Education - Awareness - Care - Consideration - More than Self

Proud citizen sponsor and loyal supporter of Mother Earth

In Service To Others, we will know freedom in the truest sense.

There is but one way to the truth. (This is not a religious advert)

Past events and missed opportunities don’t matter. Future hopes and desires may be false as well. There is only “the now” and that mind is what matters. Observe the now mind. Live in the NOW to really Live.

Spanish Phrases For May:

Donde esta la casa blanca? Where is the white house?

Quanta questa? How much does it cost?

Mucha gusta. I like it.

Alan is proud to be affiliated with Hacienda Realty and Associates GMAC

1628 Silver Heights Blvd

Silver City NM 88061

Thank You for reading “In Service - New Mexico” newsletter. I hope you enjoy the issue, and I would appreciate your feedback too. How can I make this more valuable? What subjects would you like to see in a future issue? We will experiment with the format until we find the right mix for our readers.

Do you have something you would like to publish. Articles up to 500 words may be submitted for publication in a future issue.

AND …. if you are considering buying, selling, or financing real estate, Or if you want to stop in and just say “Howdy”, I’d like to hear from you too… Your referrals are important to me too

Receive a free gift for each referral made.

Refer a friend by email

Alan Archer Qualifying Broker in Service New Mexico

575-388-1875 Home Office—Message Line

575-388-1921 Extension #17

All rights reserved - Copyright 2009 Dream Home New Mexico LLC
Questions or comments? E-mail us at

END of SNIP......

Let me know what you think of the newsletter. I only have one winner of the Silver City Silver and No one has come up with the "Evil" answer. Give it a go... aarcher

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Free Money - More on Tax Credit

$8000 Tax Credit
Do you Qualify?
US Stimulus Information
See the NAR Presentation

Ending sooner than later

New Mexico has made it possible to borrow at a 0% interest rate (to be used as a down payment) up to the full $8000 tax credit / refund that is being offered first time home buyers* through the economic stimulus plan. NM has decided to help assist first time home buyers in grabbing the American dream.

We only have a few months left to find our dream home, get financing, and close escrow before Uncle Sam withdraws his offer of Free Loot. It's time to get serious about shopping before sellers decide that the 3-5% that prices have pulled back since we hit the (financial crisis) wall, is enough to give back.

This is a zero % loan if paid back using the governments $8K within the next year. See the presentation and get specific details on the stimulus (contact link below).

Contact Archer by E-Mail

*First time home buyer has been determined to be anyone NOT owning a primary residence in the three years immediately prior to the closing of the qualifying property.

Monday, May 4, 2009

SRAM Tour of the Gila was very Cool

It seems the rush from last week's event is starting to wane with the W word in everyone's vocabulary again. Was that some fun or what? I only took photos during Stage 4 , and the Q is questionable too. But I think you can see some parts of town, and hopefully some of you will come out and visit. Unique in many ways. Hope you enjoy.

STAGE 4 photos - Tour of the Gila (downtown) Silver City New Mexico 5-2-2009

A Short 20 second video from Broadway and Bullard. A Fan points out Lance when he flies by.

Back On topic: I see where today's release highlighted an increase in "pending home sales." This seemed to add fuel to an enthusiastic stock market today with a belief that things really are getting better. There are two ways of looking at any improving sales numbers that are provided.To say things are truly much better is one of the ways to look at it.

We know that builders (nationally) have few projects actually getting built. Those numbers are reported as way down. Now since there are fewer homes being built, and there are more pending sales that become sales, if it turns out that most of the reported sales are not REO, Short Sales, or distressed properties in some financial way, I might just agree that it's getting better.

More as time allows... Come on over to Silver City and give it a feel....