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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Want to see some Charts with Silver City Real Estate Trends?

Hi All,

Big thanks to customer (AC) for putting together the charts (see link). In AC's words, a picture tells the story a lot better than my 1000 words..

How's it trending where you are? Not a pretty chart, but with a looming breakout dead ahead.

Real Estate Statistics Silver City NM

Trends run for days, weeks, months or years, and you can't buck or beat the trend. You have to be aware of it's direction and have a good handle on factors that can maintain or resist the trend line...

Once a trend line is broken, it's off to the races again. This is why I'm so urgent when telling my buyer customers "it's time to act." Don't miss the boat. See what happens in cartoon above .... hehheh

I believe the turn will come later than sooner, but have a strong feeling that 2010 will be one to remember. I hope for the right -positive - reasons.

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