When asked "If that's the way you feel about it, why do you continue to
put off moving South (to Silver City)?"
We all know that decisions about moving can strike fear in the heart of
the very brave.
"Decisions have to be made Jack. Don't sweat it dude," a rogue SD
realtor Agent replied.
Jack was overheard recently at a meeting of the First Heathen Church
(non denominational) of Cold Hill South Dakota: "It was Elvis that
died, so why am I in Hell?"
He told the congregation, "I'd rather bait an alligator with my manhood
or sleep in a bunk bed under Oprah than face staying here another year
or have to face another Northern winter. It's just too damn cold for
anything approaching Real Living.*
So after visiting the Land of Enchantment, the decision was clear. Move
to Silver City New Mexico. 4 Gentle seasons combined with a natural
beauty not found in many places North, West or East. "That's the
ticket", he said.
Don't forget the Hot Springs soaks (see image to left), the Sweat
Lodges, Native American "meetings", the Arts, Music, Food, Recreation,
and Rock Hounding opportunities.....
The diversity of this area is extreme. Everyone can find a place of
comfort here, and all are welcomed. Old rockers and rollers, we of the
baby boom generation particularly, seem to do fine here, and find many
who also share similar likes and loves. Straights and stiffs get along
here together as well as do those of different political and spiritual
backgrounds. Melting Pot Green Chile Stew.. mmmmm good
The perfect retirement location? Is anyplace perfect? Ok
so perfect may be a stretch. But I can give this area a near perfect
rating based upon it's numerous opportunities for living well and living
healthy, - and what's perfect for me will not be the same for
If that's the way you feel about where you are hanging your hat, please
contact this Baby Boomer, Realtor, Rocker and Roller. Let me show you the workings of "our well kept secret" here...
Come visit New Mexico. Be forewarned, you may never want to leave........
(*RL is coming to New Mexico soon)
Monday, October 10, 2022
2010 Archives RePost: Jack Shaking Like a Frenchman in a Thunderstorm
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