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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

$8000 Reasons - To Get off the Fence

click here for link to info

Add Video$8,000 REASONS


There’s never been a better time to buy a home.................

If you qualify and buy a principal residence before April 30, 2010, then you’re eligible for the credit—allowing you to subtract 10% of the purchase price of your home up to $8,000 from your tax bill. Also, the FHA at the urging of NAR has changed the rules to make this money available to you at closing!

So why wait? Please contact me for more information.


Alan Archer
Hacienda Realty1628 Silver Heights Blvd
Silver City NM 88061
800-368-5632 #17
575-388-2875 Home Office
dreamhomenm '@'

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Jack was shaking like a Frenchman in a thunderstorm....

When asked "If that's the way you feel about it, why do you continue to put off moving South (to Silver City)?"

We all know that decisions about moving can strike fear in the heart of the very brave.

"Decisions have to be made Jack. Don't sweat it dude," a rogue SD realtor Agent replied.

Jack was overheard recently at a meeting of the First Heathen Church (non denominational) of Cold Hill South Dakota: "It was Elvis that died, so why am I in Hell?"

He told the congregation, "I'd rather bait an alligator with my manhood or sleep in a bunk bed under Oprah than face staying here another year or have to face another Northern winter. It's just too damn cold for anything approaching Real Living.*

So after visiting the Land of Enchantment, the decision was clear. Move to Silver City New Mexico. 4 Gentle seasons combined with a natural beauty not found in many places North, West or East. "That's the ticket", he said.

Don't forget the Hot Springs soaks (see image to left), the Sweat Lodges, Native American "meetings", the Arts, Music, Food, Recreation, and Rock Hounding opportunities.....

The diversity of this area is extreme. Everyone can find a place of comfort here, and all are welcomed. Old rockers and rollers, we of the baby boom generation particularly, seem to do fine here, and find many who also share similar likes and loves. Straights and stiffs get along here together as well as do those of different political and spiritual backgrounds. Melting Pot Green Chile Stew.. mmmmm good

The perfect retirement location? Is anyplace perfect? Ok so perfect may be a stretch. But I can give this area a near perfect rating based upon it's numerous opportunities for living well and living healthy, - and what's perfect for me will not be the same for everyone..

If that's the way you feel about where you are hanging your hat, please contact this Baby Boomer, Realtor, Rocker and Roller. Let me show you the workings of "our well kept secret" here...

Come visit New Mexico. Be forewarned, you may never want to leave........

(*RL is coming to New Mexico soon)

Thursday, March 11, 2010

After Dinner - The Fortune Cookie - Now What?

Funny image taken from public domain. Rest of the story in letter.

Not that funny when you pause to think about it.

It's downright scary if you consider the reality of the massive debt held by this (one) country.

"Please Mr. China,

Don't foreclose on us. This (debt) is our only home, and we have no where else to go. We didn't mean to get so far in over our heads.

What was I to say when you allowed us such generous amounts of credit? Do you think anyone could pass it up? We love the goods you let us purchase on "terms"- at least we still love the stuff that still works. What about all of the good times we had?

I'd like to sell (unload) my home, but it seems we may owe more on it than it's actual value. Will you consider a modification in terms? Will you consider taking less than what I agreed to pay you (a short sale)? Please don't call in the debt. Please let us slide on the balance? It's not all my fault.


Hope everyone takes a few seconds to think about how they manage debt (reduce or eliminate all together) in their own personal lives.

Less debt = better living imo.........

Buying real estate (homes for sale, land for sale) is still one of the best and safest places to take on debt. The cost for mortgage money is still historically low, and in most markets, the dollar buys more today than it has in several years.

If you are thinking of buying or selling a home in Silver City New Mexico (Mimbres, Pinos Altos, Hurley, Bayard, Gila, Cliff, Gila Hot Springs, Lake Roberts, Santa Clara, Arenas Valley, Animas, Glenwood, Columbus, Deming, Lordsburg,Tyrone), PLEASE VISIT my website for more information on Buying a Home or Selling Your Home in the current market.

The Free MLS Search was the first local site for Silver City Real Estate listings showing ALL property types - and today is still considered the PREMIER REAL ESTATE SEARCH ENGINE and SILVER CITY REAL ESTATE WEB PORTAL.

Always free - No registration - Updates to data every 24 hours means data is never stale or outdated...


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Silver City Real Estate Sold Statistics February 2010

Hi Everyone,

The February 2010 Sales Statistics for the Silver City New Mexico real estate market have been posted online in Adobe (.pdf) format for you to browse.

I can still send the monthly sales updates by email to those who specifically request them. Please let me know if you want to receive the SOLDS for Silver City, Grant County, and surrounding areas. All sales reported to the Silver City Regional MLS board are included.

Send an email to aarcher @at@ to request the monthly sales updates.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Getting It Sold faster and With Less Hassles

Just Posted the NAR Brochure with Effective Selling Techniques and Tips.

The title says it all.

It's a tough market for sellers. Sellers need to put their resources and their efforts to use in effective ways. Good tips for my seller friends.

Brochure from NAR. courtesy Archer and Dream Home New Mexico

Click Here to view brochure (.pdf)

How do you sell in a tough market? Not everyone feels the same about marketing in these conditions. Buyers have upped their aggressive sides due to the overall weakness in the economy. I believe some things are necessary for selling in any market. My 14 point strategy for selling in a tough market might give you an idea of what you may want when you are ready to move forward.

I want the opportunity to earn your business. Drop me a note. Or stop in and lets visit.

There are basic homes , historic properties, small and large land parcels, and fantastic dream homes for sale in Silver City New Mexico. All our homes enjoy the awesome weather and open beauty which is the SW Land of Enchantment.

New, Not Mexico

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Want to see some Charts with Silver City Real Estate Trends?

Hi All,

Big thanks to customer (AC) for putting together the charts (see link). In AC's words, a picture tells the story a lot better than my 1000 words..

How's it trending where you are? Not a pretty chart, but with a looming breakout dead ahead.

Real Estate Statistics Silver City NM

Trends run for days, weeks, months or years, and you can't buck or beat the trend. You have to be aware of it's direction and have a good handle on factors that can maintain or resist the trend line...

Once a trend line is broken, it's off to the races again. This is why I'm so urgent when telling my buyer customers "it's time to act." Don't miss the boat. See what happens in cartoon above .... hehheh

I believe the turn will come later than sooner, but have a strong feeling that 2010 will be one to remember. I hope for the right -positive - reasons.