Dear Friends of the Silver City Real Estate Blog,
Between the end of the year closings (I had 3 scheduled for December - with all three as of 12-29-2009 sucessfully under the belt) each with associated inevitable last minute "rub", it's been hard getting here to post. As you know about me by now, taking care of customers is always a first priority for me...
Update: The Realtor Tour newsletter has been going along nicely (at least when MLS tours have actually been scheduled) and the elist is getting pretty long. If you want to get the weekly realtor tour of new listings emailed to you, I am making a few more slots available. Subscribe today! It's still free.
TO start your free subscription, send an email to: with Subject Line = Subscribe
NOTE: Please allow a week or two to get your free subscription started.
It's just as easy to unsubscribe. To stop receiving the weekly enews of MLS tour listings, send email to: with Subject=Unsubscribe
Anyway, I thought you would like to check out some of the free resources available now through your local Broker courtesy of Dream Home New Mexico... A few selected info resources are included below.
Realtor Tour Enews subscribers and subscribers to the MLS Hotsheet will have access to the complete collection of NAR tips and Resource Links.
I have never received so much positive feedback as the recent hotsheet has gotten us. The first 100 memberships are free (and still a few left), and you will receive automatic notification when your property type is made active in the MLS database. You will also be notified when a price reduction occurs for a target property. Subscription and (un) subscription is as easy as sending an email. (It's as easy as sending email because that is just how its done)
ENJOY and Happy New Years to everyone. Blessings for you, your family, friends, and 4 legged's........
Claim Your Homebuyer Tax Credits
Whether a first-time homebuyer or a longtime homeowner, you may be eligible for a tax credit on a house purchase if you meet IRS guidelines. Read
Best Ways to Green Up Your Kitchen Remodel
If you’re ready to remodel your kitchen and want to go green, here’s how to create the healthy, energy-efficient, eco-friendly kitchen of your dreams. Read
7 Smart Strategies for Remodeling Your Bathroom
Ideas to help you get the bath of your dreams while keeping costs under control. Read